Roses, Roses and More Roses!
We love our roses! The roses come direct to us from the growers; Certified, Star and Weeks and have been specially selected to do well in our area. Our new stock arrives every year in December which we immediately pot up into 5-gallon size containers because of their large size.
We stock over 300 different varieties of high-quality roses including shrub, hedge, groundcover, climbing and tree form.
Download our PDF below for the Current Rose List ordered for this year.

The Queen of Flowers
Throughout history, Roses have been called the ‘Queen of Flowers’. Their reputation is unsurpassed as a symbol of love and beauty. The rose is one of the most versatile and beautiful garden flowers you can own. They come in almost every color imaginable and range from miniature to large grand beauties.
A rose is a woody flowering perennial of which there are over 300 species and tens of thousands of cultivars. Roses come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors (except blue). They can be either upright or sprawling Shrubs, Groundcover & Carpet roses, be trained as a single trunk tree form, or Climbers that can be trained to climb up trellises, arbors, fences, and archways. There are Miniature Roses that are compact and lovely, fitting nicely in mixed flower beds of iris and perennials, and Tree-form are nice along a walkway!
Roses have Prickles not Thorns
Roses have prickles. Thorns are modified leaf stems or parts of leaves, but prickles grow from the epidermis or branches. Rose prickles developed as the plants way of protecting itself. Prickles make it less appetizing to predators such as deer (who love roses) and act as hooks to help plants anchor themselves onto neighboring plants or structures. The plants main objective is to protect itself from being eaten and grow towards the sun, even if that means taking over a neighboring plant or structure.
Long Blooming Roses
Some varieties of roses bloom only once a year. Roses that bloom several times a year, are called ‘Repeat bloomers’ and ones that bloom all summer through fall are called ‘Continuous bloomers’. Check the description tags on the roses, bloom times will be noted.
Keeping Roses Healthy:
The average lifespan of a rose is 35 years, consistent care and feeding is the key.
Beautify your home or landscape with colorful, delightful smelling roses to enjoy for years to come!
Be sure to stop by the Nursery around Mother’s Day and check out our Roses, most of them are blooming in May and smell heavenly!

Roses, Roses and More Roses!
We love our roses! The roses come direct to us from the growers; Certified, Star and Weeks and have been specially selected to do well in our area. Our new stock arrives every year in December which we immediately pot up into 5-gallon size containers because of their large size.
We stock over 300 different varieties of high-quality roses including shrub, hedge, groundcover, climbing and tree form.
Download our PDF below for the Current Rose List ordered for this year.
The Queen of Flowers
Throughout history, Roses have been called the ‘Queen of Flowers’. Their reputation is unsurpassed as a symbol of love and beauty. The rose is one of the most versatile and beautiful garden flowers you can own. They come in almost every color imaginable and range from miniature to large grand beauties.
A rose is a woody flowering perennial of which there are over 300 species and tens of thousands of cultivars. Roses come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors (except blue). They can be either upright or sprawling Shrubs, Groundcover & Carpet roses, be trained as a single trunk tree form, or Climbers that can be trained to climb up trellises, arbors, fences, and archways. There are Miniature Roses that are compact and lovely, fitting nicely in mixed flower beds of iris and perennials, and Tree-form are nice along a walkway!
Roses have Prickles not Thorns
Roses have prickles. Thorns are modified leaf stems or parts of leaves, but prickles grow from the epidermis or branches. Rose prickles developed as the plants way of protecting itself. Prickles make it less appetizing to predators such as deer (who love roses) and act as hooks to help plants anchor themselves onto neighboring plants or structures. The plants main objective is to protect itself from being eaten and grow towards the sun, even if that means taking over a neighboring plant or structure.

Long Blooming Roses
Some varieties of roses bloom only once a year. Roses that bloom several times a year, are called ‘Repeat bloomers’ and ones that bloom all summer through fall are called ‘Continuous bloomers’. Check the description tags on the roses, bloom times will be noted.
Keeping Roses Healthy:
The average lifespan of a rose is 35 years, consistent care and feeding is the key.
Beautify your home or landscape with colorful, delightful smelling roses to enjoy for years to come!
Be sure to stop by the Nursery around Mother’s Day and check out our Roses, most of them are blooming in May and smell heavenly!